- Tailoring Machine distribution at kalpeni 2017 April.
- The first ever Mega job fair in Lakshadheep at kavarathi on April 2017.
- Distribution of donation to poor families at kavarathi in April 2017.
- Second job fair at Agathi, Lakshadheep April 2018 and Distribution of financial help to poor families.
- Football Tournament at kavarthi.
- Training for Self Help Group at Amini and Kalthan.
- Distribution of tailoring machines for tailofing machine units at Amini and kadamath october 2018, snacks making utensils etc to SHG at Akathi November 2018.
- Financial help for 11 families who lost / damaged their house at minicoy during ockhi cyclon 2018.
- Construction and handing over of house to a poor family at kalpeni island in December 2019.
- Distribution of accident insurance card to lakshdeep fishermen(BPL family) in December 2018.

Upcoming project:
Trust is planning to establish a training institution for entrance coaching, civil service, other competitive examinations, digital education
and training centers for small scale industries for SHG's in different islands
Planning to provide training, establishing units and marketing
products for SHG's of islands.
Conduct medical camp in all island with specialist doctors
Library construction started at kavarathi and planning to start libraries in different islands for students
We are planning for mobile dispensary in bigger islands, so that it will help the poor and old age people
Planning low cost housing projects for financially backward schedule tribe people of Lakshadweep who cannot afford to have houses.
Lack of media is one of the big issue in island. To overcome that we will be starting a news paper and will tie up with few media people in mainland and appoint a reporter in islands.
We are planning different sports and cultural activities for youths and we are also planning to provide advanced training for youths in different fields of sports.